Our Bird Photos


(Click on entries in the list below to see larger images.)

Lark Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Lark Bunting PORTFOLIO
White-throated Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Golden-crowned Sparrow PORTFOLIO
White-crowned Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Harris's Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Yellow-eyed Junco PORTFOLIO
Dark-eyed Junco PORTFOLIO
Swamp Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Lincoln's Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Song Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Grasshopper Sparrow (Adult) Grasshopper Sparrow (Adult)
Grasshopper Sparrow (Juvenile)
Vesper Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Savannah Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Black-throated Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Sagebrush Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Chipping Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Clay-colored Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Brewer's Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Field Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Black-chinned Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Botteri's Sparrow
Cassin's Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Rufous-winged Sparrow Rufous-winged Sparrow
Rufous-crowned Sparrow PORTFOLIO
Abert's Towhee PORTFOLIO
Canyon Towhee PORTFOLIO
California Towhee PORTFOLIO
Eastern Towhee PORTFOLIO
Spotted Towhee PORTFOLIO
Green-tailed Towhee PORTFOLIO
Olive Sparrow Olive Sparrow

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